The Self-Esteem Guidebook: The Comprehensive Guide to Developing Unwavering Self-Esteem and Attaining Unshakable Confidence
The Self-Esteem Guidebook: The Comprehensive Guide to Developing Unwavering Self-Esteem and Attaining Unshakable Confidence

The Self-Esteem Guidebook: The Comprehensive Guide to Developing Unwavering Self-Esteem and Attaining Unshakable Confidence

Price $ 9.70

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Let us face it, living in the real world it is difficult to maintain a healthy self- esteem because it seems every corner one turns someone is there to try to knock him or her down. With this in mind, we must work harder to build self-esteem by learning positive affirmatives and the benefits of rewarding oneself for his or her good deeds. Moreover, we must manipulate through the process of personal transformation in order to make constructive changes that lead us to success.

For this reason, we have compiled 50 articles geared to walk you through the steps of building healthy self-esteem through personal transformation.

Product comes as an eBook in PDF format and is available for download instantly upon purchase.

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