The Multi-Faceted Existence of Rational Decision Making: A Social Constructivist Approach
The Multi-Faceted Existence of Rational Decision Making: A Social Constructivist Approach

The Multi-Faceted Existence of Rational Decision Making: A Social Constructivist Approach

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This paper, in the view of justifying the existence of rationality and rational decisions in the naturalistic world and in the organizational setting, first seeks to bring about the reconciliation of the diverse views on rationality as provided for by normative and descriptive/organizational theorists in the existing literature, culminating in an alternative position of rationality and how rational decision can be produced (and hence exist). Then, through the lens of a social constructivist – in an attempt to build on the knowledge debate through a different perspective – the paper further substantiates this justification by advocating that rational decisions and the rational decision maker do exist in the abovementioned setting, not as a natural phenomenal, but as a constructed ideal and a social reality that manifests itself through the performance of conventions, commodities and ‘manufactured’ processes.

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