The Good Management Called Leadership: A Resolution To The Needless Academic Discrimination Between Leadership And Management

The Good Management Called Leadership: A Resolution To The Needless Academic Discrimination Between Leadership And Management

Price $ 4.70

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This paper serves to unravel the debate surrounding the apparent distinctions between leadership and management. First, a historical perspective of the leadership-versus-management debate will be analyzed and evaluated so as to set forth the context for this paper and to provide for an understanding of how this debate was triggered.

This paper then delves into a detailed analysis and evaluation of key works by prominent theorists in the realm of the leadership-versus- management debate. Assertions and theories made by these theorists will be compared and contrasted, and the implications of the juxtaposition between leadership and management will be elaborated.

Finally, empirical and ethnographical research centering on the roles, functions and effectiveness of leaders and managers will be cited and compared to the claims made by leadership theorists.

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