The Essential Role of Leaders and Leadership In Complex Organizations: A Discourse of the Role of Leaders Within the Context of Complex Environments
The Essential Role of Leaders and Leadership In Complex Organizations: A Discourse of the Role of Leaders Within the Context of Complex Environments

The Essential Role of Leaders and Leadership In Complex Organizations: A Discourse of the Role of Leaders Within the Context of Complex Environments

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This paper, in view of justifying the relevance and indispensability of leaders and leadership in complex environments (at least in thetheoretical setting),brings about an affirmation of the propositions set forth by complexity leadership theorists. The key complexity theories highlighted will consequently be linked specifically to the role of leaders and leadership development so as to justify the quintessential role of leaders in such environments, notwithstanding the recognition that leadership is understood to have an indirect control over organizational outcomes, and that organizations and their corresponding behaviors and behavioral implications are in, a multitude of ways, determined by their context. Finally, the limitations of Complexity Leadership Theory (and hence the role of leaders) when evaluated through the lens of empirical research and practice, will be expounded on to provide for a balanced view on the limitations of relevance of leaders within the complexity context.

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