The Abundance Mindset: The Ultimate Guide To Living an Abundant, Unlimited, and Content Life

Duration 25 m 11 s


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The Abundance Mindset: The Ultimate Guide To Living an Abundant, Unlimited, and Content Life

About Course

To make it in life, we need to have our priorities straight. That means focusing on getting the essential things that we need and sparing the things that aren’t essential to our lives. We live in a world where we think we need more than we really do. We’ll almost never be satisfied even after getting what we want. After some time we end up wanting more and have an obsession with wanting to get more than others around us.

This scarcity mindset really doesn’t benefit us in the long term as it builds more stress and anguish than we need. What we need in order to thrive and be content with ourselves is an abundance mindset. In this video series, you’re going to discover how to make the world a better place for yourself and for others around you. You’ll learn how to truly appreciate what you have and be considerate to others. You don’t need to see everything as a dog-eat-dog world where you have to get ahead of the next guy. What you truly need is to understand that sometimes there is enough for everyone and you can still be happy with what you have. You’ll learn how to change your mindset entirely from scarcity to abundance, how to change your life and be more considerate and understanding and more appreciative, how to undo stress and make your life a lot better, how to still be successful and chase your goals without killing yourself, how to be motivated and not become overwhelmed with an obsession to succeed at all costs.

A person who creates a home business for instance doesn’t necessarily need to chase after Microsoft or Disney to be successful. Living a life of abundance is one that can bring you calm and peace and eliminate a lot of life’s stresses. This video series is a great one that can help you move towards the life you truly want. Grab it now!

Course content

video3 Mistakes People Make That Stops Them From Living an Abundant Life2 m 21 s Start
video3 Steps to Manifest What You Desire2 m 25 s Start
video3 Things Successful People Do to Bring Abundance In Their Life2 m 31 s Start
video3 Things You Can Do Now to Increase Abundance in Your Life2 m 34 s Start
video5 Signs That You Are Not Open to Receive the Abundance of the Universe2 m 37 s Start
videoHow to Move From a Scarcity Mindset to an Abundance Mindset2 m 34 s Start
videoHow to Receive More In Life2 m 25 s Start
videoThe 3 Secrets of an Abundance Mindset2 m 30 s Start
videoThe Secret Ingredient to an Abundant Life2 m 43 s Start
videoTop 3 Ways to Change Your Mindset2 m 31 s Start
videoThe 5-Minute Guide to Living Abundantly (Special Report) Start
videoThe Abundance Mindset (Training Guide) Start
videoThe Abundance Mindset (Checklist) Start
videoThe Abundance Mindset (Resource Cheat Sheet) Start
videoThe Abundance Mindset (Mindmap) Start
video5 Steps To Developing an Abundance Mindset (eBook) Start

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Dr Tan Kwan Hong

Dr Tan Kwan Hong

International Speaker, Professor, Author

Course Instructor

Having conducted live speeches and workshops to more than 1.5 million people and 1100 organizations in 50 countries, Dr. Tan Kwan Hong is one of the most sought-after speakers in Asia. Kwan Hong is often invited to conduct communication skills and business skills workshops, and has won multiple best trainer awards for these topics. He also holds multiple doctoral degrees in philosophy and business. For more information, please visit