SEO Split Testing: Split Testing In SEO For Data Driven Success

Duration 38 m 8 s


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SEO Split Testing: Split Testing In SEO For Data Driven Success

About Course

SEO is an ever changing industry and Google is on a mission to deliver the most optimal results in the fastest time possible for searchers online. As SEO has become more AI oriented, there’s no single person deciding what website ranks where in the search results. Everything is done by machines. And machines have demonstrated a pattern which, although simple in theory, have even the most experienced SEO pros often throwing up their hands in confusion.

Despite the numerous changes in how search results are presented, the one constant is knowing how to help users by creating great content. A better way to figure out what works best is through split testing. If you’re unsure about something, then running AB tests is the best way to figure out what actually gets results. At the end of the day, the purpose of every website owner is to provide a good experience for their users. The last thing you want are users coming onto your site and not finding what they’re looking for, and then leaving and going to a competitor. When you’re split testing, you get a far better handle of the content that not only drives traffic but keeps it on your site. In this video course, you’ll be shown the importance of split testing and why it’s so important and beneficial for the sake of your website. You’ll learn how to apply it for great success in your SEO efforts, how to use redirects, various strategies you can apply and much more.

There’s nobody at Google who’s going to give you the right answer as they themselves don’t know the exact steps in ranking a site perfectly. As AI is now at the forefront of SEO, it’s crucial that you get up to snuff on what people want and how to deliver it to them. That’s where your true success is if you want to kill it online.

Course content

videoIntroduction1 m 46 s Start
videoWhat Is Split Testing?4 m 25 s Start
videoWhy We Need Split Testing Now More Than Ever – The Powerful Benefits Of This Strategy Start
videoWhy Split Testing Works And When It Doesn’t – Understanding Statistical Significance Start
videoUsing Split Testing For SEO Success – The Practical Guide4 m 56 s Start
videoThe Technical Bit: Using Redirects6 m 45 s Start
videoTools And Best Practices7 m 22 s Start
videoWhat To Test? Start
videoAdvanced Strategies5 m 15 s Start
videoSEO - What We Know And What Split Testing Has Shown Us3 m 32 s Start
videoRelated Strategies And Conclusion4 m 7 s Start

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Dr Tan Kwan Hong

Dr Tan Kwan Hong

International Speaker, Professor, Author

Course Instructor

Having conducted live speeches and workshops to more than 1.5 million people and 1100 organizations in 50 countries, Dr. Tan Kwan Hong is one of the most sought-after speakers in Asia. Kwan Hong is often invited to conduct communication skills and business skills workshops, and has won multiple best trainer awards for these topics. He also holds multiple doctoral degrees in philosophy and business. For more information, please visit