How To Develop Emotional Intelligence: A Step-By-Step Guide To Developing Self-Awareness, Improving Your People Skills, and Creating Happier Relationships

Duration 24 m 50 s


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How To Develop Emotional Intelligence: A Step-By-Step Guide To Developing Self-Awareness, Improving Your People Skills, and Creating Happier Relationships

About Course

Emotional intelligence is lost on most of us. Many out there haven’t a clue what it is and how it affects their lives. What makes emotional intelligence so interesting is that it provides a logical understanding of what makes us tick, what makes us behave the way we do, how we respond to others around us and what stresses us out. To be emotionally intelligent means you have self-awareness, can recognize your limitations, and have the ability to put your ego to the side and be empathetic to others inside or outside your circle.

Those who are emotionally intelligent tend to have more peaceful and happier lives. They don’t sweat over having the best looking car, the biggest house, the most money, etc. They understand what makes life important and it’s not the superficial stuff. It’s about being content with who you are, not being jealous of others, trying to be the best you can be, building good relationships and having good interpersonal skills. In this video course, you’re going to learn how to grow your emotional intelligence and make real positive changes in your life. You’ll learn the many different ways of becoming a better person, how to be more approachable, improving your social skills, being more thoughtful and considerate, how to deal with stress and anxiety, and much more. When you can accept the fact that you’re not perfect, things can begin to take shape as you recognize your flaws and shortcomings and do what’s necessary to fix them. We all deal with different things in life. Some people are less fortunate than others.

Some have no choice but to work harder to get the things they want or reach the goals they aspire to. When you’re self aware and can appreciate what you have in life, you are already a step ahead of the curve. If you desire to have more, be it making more friends, being more appreciated at work, having a stronger relationship with your significant other, etc, then you need to work more on yourself and your emotional intelligence. This video course will lead you the way so hit the download button now.

Course content

video3 Ways You Can Develop More Emotional Intelligence and Become a Better Leader2 m 36 s Start
video4 Signs That You Need to Improve Your Emotional Intelligence2 m 32 s Start
video5 Steps You Need to Take to Improve Your Emotional Intelligence3 m 2 s Start
video5 Ways to Utilize Emotional Intelligence at Work3 m 2 s Start
video6 Essential Ways to Boost Your Emotional Intelligence Start
videoHow to Increase Your Emotional Intelligence2 m 33 s Start
videoThe 4 Best Ways to Enhance Your EQ2 m 41 s Start
videoThe Best Strategies for Developing Your Emotional Intelligence to Improve Your Social Skills2 m 48 s Start
videoTop Tips for Increasing Emotional Intelligence for Stronger Relationships2 m 42 s Start
videoUnderstanding the 5 Essential Components of Emotional Intelligence2 m 54 s Start

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Dr Tan Kwan Hong

Dr Tan Kwan Hong

International Speaker, Professor, Author

Course Instructor

Having conducted live speeches and workshops to more than 1.5 million people and 1100 organizations in 50 countries, Dr. Tan Kwan Hong is one of the most sought-after speakers in Asia. Kwan Hong is often invited to conduct communication skills and business skills workshops, and has won multiple best trainer awards for these topics. He also holds multiple doctoral degrees in philosophy and business. For more information, please visit